Don't Walk Alone

Restored to Christ's Image - Just Like it was in the Beginning

We believe the journey of the Lord Jesus Christ will restore us to how God had ordained it from the beginning, before Adam and Eve sinned. We also know that being reborn by the word of God is costly to our flesh. The price that each person will pay will vary depending on what is not found in Christ. This can include marriage, husband, wife, children, self, religion, church, reputation, desires, accomplishments, etc. This is why Jesus said that he that does not forsake all that he has cannot be His disciple (Luke 14 vs. 25-33).

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“For The Kingdom Of God Is Not in Words; It Is Living By God’s Power.” 1 Corinthians 4:20

We invite you to discover God's power and worship the Almighty with us! Please send a message if you have any questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you.

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